Master in Business Administration – MBA + Titulación Máster Profesional por IMF

Master in Business Administration - MBA + Titulación Máster Profesional por IMF


Admission Criteria: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent professional experience


1. To analyse the basis of strategic management so that the student becomes capable of formulating, establishing and monitoring successful business strategies.
2. To train the student in the analyse and assessment of commercial strategies by deciding the most appropriate marketing channels, etc. This is the way to guarantee the best results for the companies.
3. To equip students with fundamental knowledge to have the means to lead proper business operations in a company as well as to be suitably qualified to elaborate or explore a logistics and production plan.
4. To approach Human Resources disciplines, providing with the necessary technical abilities for the management and coordination of this area in the company.
5. To equip the new manager with the tools to master the implementation of business management and strategy with the required English language proficiency in order to have international competences.
6. To acquire the necessary knowledge to perform the different manager disciplines so that a company can run correctly, and to master the fundamental guidelines on creation, setting up and strategic decision-making.


MODULE I: Organizational Management
1. The organizations
1. Introduction
2. Characteristics of work organizations
3. Types of organizations
4. Organizational structure
5. Choosing structures and control processes

2. Organizational management
1. Functions of management and skills leadership
2. The decision-making process
3. Management styles and organizational environment
4. Leadership styles

3. Organizational culture
1. Definition of organizational culture
2. Relevance of organizational culture
3. Signs of organizational culture
4. Models of organizational culture
5. Keeping organizational culture
6. Process of culture change

4. Organizational change
1. Introduction
2. Concepts of change management and theories
3. Failures in change management
4. A new way of facing change management successfully: lean management

MODULE II: Financial Management
1. Essential concepts in finance
1. The importance of financial management
2. Functions and objectives of financial management
3. Time value of money
4. Financial analysis and planning
5. Risk and return

2. Financing decisions
1. Cost of capital
2. capital structure decisions
3. Essential Financial Concepts Related to the Capital Structure of a Company
4. Business Risk and Financial Risk
5. Types of Financing

3. Investment decisions
7. Capital Budgeting
8. Types of Capital Investment Decisions
9. Project Cash Flows
10. Capital rationing

4. Management of working capital
1. Meaning, Concept and Policies of Working Capital
2. Treasury and Cash Management
3. Management of Inventories, Receivables and Payables
4. Financing of Working Capital

MODULE III: Marketing Management
1. Marketing
1. The marketing concept
2. The three levels of marketing
3. The value of marketing
4. The theoretical basis of competition
5. Core competencies and capabilities
6. Alternative frameworks: evolutionary change and hypercompetition

2. Marketing’s role in business
1. Cross-functional issues
2. Strategic marketing
3. Research of environment and situation
4. Forecasting market and sales
5. Implementation, analysis, control, and evaluation
6. Research and designing of strategies
7. Strategic marketing program

3. The marketing mix
1. Introduction
2. Price
3. Place
4. Product
5. Promotion
6. Physical evidence
7. People
8. Process

4. Segmentation, targeting and positioning
1. Introduction
2. Segmentation
3. Targeting
4. Positioning and strategies for product positioning
5. Perceptual mapping
6. Product repositioning

MODULE IV: Operational management and logistic
1. Operations management and strategic decisions
1. Introduction
2. Operations management
3. Operations strategy
4. Strategic decisions: planning products and processes

2. Operations decisions: planning production to meet demand
1. Production planning systems
2. Inventory systems
3. Resource requirements planning
4. Push and pull scheduling

3. Control decisions: planning and controlling operations for productivity, quality and reliability
1. Productivity
2. Total quality management (TQM) and quality control
3. Planning and controlling projects

4. Logistics
1. Logistics management
2. Customer services
3. Strategic planning for logistics
4. ISO 28.000 supply

MODULE V: Human Resource Management
1. Human resources department
1. Introduction
2. Functions of the hr department
3. HR director

2. Human resources planning
1. selection
2. training
3. remuneration

3. Motivation and communication
1. Introduction
2. Concepts and theories of motivation
3. The business communication

4. Team management and competence management
1. Definition of group and team
2. Competence management
3. Appraisal and coaching

MODULE VI: Strategic Management
1. The strategy
1. The concept of strategy
2. The basis of strategy: structure
3. Schools of strategy
4. Stakeholder theory
5. The challenges of strategic management
6. Strategic drift
7. Contemporary themes affecting strategy development
8. The strategy lenses

2. External and internal analysis
1. Introduction
2. Pestledi analysis framework
3. Five forces
4. Opportunities and threats
5. Swot analysis
6. Definition: margin
7. The human resource audit
8. Culture

3. Strategic capability
1. Introduction
2. Foundations of strategic capability
3. Cost efficiency
4. Competitive advantage
5. The value chain
6. Managing people for capability development

4. Business – Level strategy
1. Introduction
2. Identifying strategic business units
3. Basis of competitive advantage:
4. The strategy clock
5. The delta model and lock-in
6. Competitive strategy in hypercompetitive conditions
7. Competition and collaboration
8. Game theory
9. Strategy implementation

MODULE VII: Management and Negotiation Skills
1. Personal skills
1. Introduction
2. Developing self-awareness
3. Managing personal stress
4. Problem solving
5. Time management and planning skills

2. Interpersonal skills
1. Introduction
2. Coaching, counseling and supportive communication
3. Gaining power and influence
4. Motivating other people
5. Managing conflict

3. Group skills
1. Introduction
2. Empowering and delegation
3. Building effective teams and teamwork
4. Leading positive change
5. Basic elements of effective group work

4. Communication skills
1. Introduction
2. Making presentations
3. Conducting interviews
4. Managing meetings
5. Listening

MODULE VIII: International Business and globalization
1. International business environment
1. Introduction
2. Cultural context of international business
3. Political and legal environments of international business
4. Economic systems and international trade

2. International trade, investment and regional
1. International trade
2. Investment and regional integration
3. Cross-national cooperation and agreements

3. International business strategy
1. Introduction
2. International business strategy
3. Global strategy
4. Export and import strategies
5. Direct investment and collaborative strategies

4. International business management
1. Introduction
2. Global technology management and global human resources management
3. International financial management
4. Global manufacturing and supply chain management
5. Marketing globally

MODULE IX: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
1. Business ethics matters
1. Introduction
2. Perspectives on business ethics and value
3. Ethical issues in business
4. Ethical theories

2. Definition and creation of CSR
1. The triple bottom line
2. Sustainable development and CSR: from the brundtland report to the agenda 21. The millenium goals
3. The relation between sustainable development, three bottom line and CSR
4. Evolution of the concept of sustainable development and CSR
5. Present and future of CSR: organizations, guidelines and standards

3. Ethics, corporat ions and stakeholders
1. Introduction
2. Business ethics and law
3. The stakeholder theory
4. The stakeholder approach and CSR
5. Stakeholder strategic process

4. From sustainable developm ent to corporate social responsability
1. Corporate responsibility, corporate governance and triple bottom line accountability
2. Approaches to effective implementation of CSR into business real life: theoretical proposals and existing CSR management models
3. A quality-management based approach to CSR implementation
4. Excellence management models 


Professionals who would like to develop or increase management skills, improve their position internationally and acquire the requisite tools to apply their academic expertise in English.


720 hours

Especificación de Producto

Detalles del curso:
Requisístos:Admission Criteria: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent professional experience

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